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Spinal Cord Injury Network of Professionals


Spinal Cord Injury Network of Professionals (SCIP) is dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job-retention and advancement of current and future professionals with SCI. SCIP is solely and permanently committed to meeting the complex and emerging needs of professionals with SCI within the employment landscape.

Spinal Cord Injury Network of Professions (SCIP) exists to assist people who have acquired a disability either before, entering or during their careers. SCIP supports people with a spinal cord injury (SCI) in all aspects of career development, no matter what their field of employment, their capacity or function, or their current employment status. They may be beginning their career, undergoing rehabilitation, volunteering, unemployed, employed full-time, part-time or casually, self-employed, unable-to-work, on a pension, welfare or retired.

We are dedicated to building a supportive and collaborative network of individuals (with and without disabilities) and organisations who adhere to our values, mandate and philosophy of supporting individuals with a SCI in the employment and workforce environment.

We are an Australian disability-based network, run by professionals with SCI for people with SCI.

Employment FAQ's for people with spinal cord injury

© 2016 SCIP

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