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Australia ranks an embarrassing 21 out of 29 OECD countries for disability employment.


Currently, only 53 per cent of people with a disability are in the labour market, considerably fewer than those without disability (83 per cent), and 45 per cent of people with a disability in Australia live in or near poverty.


People with SCI make up less than 20% of “people reported with disabilities”, which reduces the population of people with SCI in the workplace considerably.

Our Goals

  • To provide a focal point for people with SCI to define, develop and implement resources and supports that enable them to successfully participate in work and the community through networking.

  • To increase individual, community and corporate awareness, knowledge, understanding and acceptance of people with SCI and their capabilities within the employment landscape.

  • To encourage people with SCI to develop their full professional potential and to find, retain and advance their employment status commensurate with their skills, knowledge and abilities.

  • To highlight and address life and quality-of-life issues which impact and/or are impacted upon by the career realities people with SCI face while seeking or undertaking employment.

  • To support people with SCI to participate fully in society through employment.

  • To provide people with SCI opportunities for camaraderie, mentorship, peer-support and support related to employment.


  • To improve disability support, rehabilitation, education, training, employment, and career development advancement opportunities for people with SCI and those who want to enter an employment career path.


We are dedicated to building a supportive and collaborative network of individuals (with and without disabilities) and organisations who adhere to our values, mandate and philosophy of supporting individuals with a SCI in the employment and workforce environment.

© 2016 SCIP

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